The study of the waterproofing insulating system

Photovoltaic waterproofing system with bituminous membrane

General Solar PV is bonded to a bituminous substrate for renovations, and existing or new roof installations. The waterproof system includes the Phoenix Solar – 35 °C membrane, and is secured to the roof by mechanical fixing of the intermediate layers, fully bonded, thereby guaranteeing high resistance to wind uplift over time.
 The photovoltaic panels that completes the package is  bonded to the waterproofing layer to ensure watertightness of the system.

  1. General Rapid Primer

  2. Isolink Vapor 4,5 kg

  3. Thermal insulation Panel *

  4. Phoenix Super - 35°C + Mechanical fixing

  5. Phoenix Solar Tech – 35°C

  6. GSPV Mono Arc Module

  7. Phoenix Super - 35°C 5,4 kg Mineral Reflect Protection

* Thermal insulation panel suitable for the photovoltaic waterproofing system. The nature and thickness of the material must match the requirements indicated in regulations concerning energy efficiency.

Photovoltaic waterproofing system with single ply membrane

The General Solar PV SH system is applied both to new roof and existing roof installations using a single ply substrate (TPO or PVC). The photovoltaic panel is anchored to the waterproofing surface through Velcro type hook-and-loop technology, guaranteeing that the module remains firmly attached to the surface, and there are no holes or ballasts that could affect watertightness.

  1. General Rapid Primer

  2. Isolink Vapor 4,5 kg

  3. Thermal insulation Panel * + Mechanical fixing

  4. TPO/PVC single ply 

  5. Hook + Loop System

  6. GSPV Mono Arc Module

* Thermal insulation panel suitable for the photovoltaic waterproofing system. The nature and thickness of the material must match the requirements indicated in regulations concerning energy efficiency.



General Solar PV is the flexible photovoltaic waterproofing system architecturally integrated by General Membrane.

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Anchoring systems to technological structures on roof

The solution developed for anchoring traditional photovoltaic modules on the roof without damaging the roofing integrity.

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Never Ending Waterproofing

From design to installation, from insurance to maintenance: a unique system with unique materials developed to ensure the maximum durability of the waterproofing work.

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System pre-applied waterproofing solution for foundation and tanking

Greentank is an innovative pre-applied and self-healing waterproofing system with the innovative properties of General Easy Seal technology.

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